
COVID-19 Information Button



PAW represents Postdoctoral Scholars at Western. We work hard to develop training programs, plan social events, and act as liaison between Postdoctoral Scholars and Western's administration. Stay involved by attending one of our upcoming events and volunteering with PAW! Email us feedback, comments, and ideas at: postdocs@uwo.ca.


Please join us for our next monthly PAW executive meeting on November 3rd at 4:00pm. The instructions for Zoom ID and password will be sent over email.


New PAW positions open!

Looking to get involved? We are searching for representatives to act as a liaison between PAW and each of Western's faculties and schools. Position descriptions and instruction to apply can be found on our 雷神加速器节点.

The PAW recipes share document has launched!

In these times when more of us are experimenting with cooking than in the lab, we made a place where you can share your favorite recipes. Please feel free to share as many recipes as you like!  Link to PAW recipes document


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